UI++ Production Ready!

UI++ Production Ready!

Just released:! Mainly bug fixes.

Check it out here: UI++

Also remember that for support, suggestions, hints, samples, discussions, or whatever concerning UI++, please visit the forums.



  1. Hi Jason, the link in the article is broken. https://home.configmgrftw.com/uiplusplus/ leads to a Page Not Found error.

    • Thank you. Fixed now. I recently moved all UI++ content to a separate site and missed this link.

  2. HI Jason,

    I tried downloading the latest UI++ and it keeps redirecting me to your blogs main page.

    • Hi Jide,

      Please try again. My blog has undergone some maintenance this week and so things were a bit wonky and no worky for a little while. Should be good now though. Hope UI++ helps you.

      • ah ok.. Yup, I was able to download it. Looking to plug it into my IPU. Thanks for all you do!