Scripts FTW!

The following is a list of the scripts I’ve published over the last few years (not including my startup script).


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A script to uninstall software en masse based on a substring search for the software.


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A script to write task sequence information to WMI or the registry so that it can later be reviewed and inventoried.


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A script to decline miscellaneous updates in WSUS so that they will no longer be available in the update catalog and will be expired in ConfigMgr.

Outlook Cached Mode Inventory

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Two scripts to inventory user’s Outlook profiles and if cached mode is enabled. See the readme.txt for basic usage instructions.


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A script to work around the file duplication issue that exists in ConfigMgr 2012 R2 SP1 when importing drivers.

Local Administrator Group Compliance Item scripts

Local Group Discovery: Get it on GitHub Local Group Remediation: Get it on GitHub

Discovery and remediation scripts to validate and enforce specific, non-trivial local administrator group membership.

Folder Size Inventory

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This script inventories specified folder size information making it available for easy pick up by hardware inventory in ConfigMgr.

SQL Server Instance Inventory

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This script inventories complete SQL Server instance information making it available for easy pick up by hardware inventory in ConfigMgr.

USMT Estimate

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This script gathers estimate information from USMT on target systems to help evaluate how much space is needed during a migration.

IP Check

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This script reads in system names from a file (named sys.txt) and checks each to validate that they are resolvable via DNS, that the IP address resolved is also reverse resolvable, and that the two results match.



  1. Hello, is it possible that the file permissions are not correctly set? I get an ‘permissions’ error when clicking on any download link.


    • I think I have this straightened out once and for all. Crossing my fingers … please try again.